Sometimes our little darlings misbehave. It's ok, just breathe, we can't expect our little darlings to be perfect angels all the time
😉 But when it's prolonged misbehaviour, it could be a deeper root to the problem.

Continuous bad behaviour could be a cry for help. First, I would determine it's not due to outside factors i.e. bullying or assault from others.
Once outside factors are eliminated, at least we know that our little darling is safe. Talking is always a good start. Be a friend that they can confide with. Cuddle up over a cup of hot chocolate and just have a conversation with your little darling. Your little darling will open up easily and won't be stressed out.
Scolding an already upset child will only make it worse. Believe it or not, our little darlings feel guilty when they misbehave most of the time, so it's unfair to make them feel worse by scolding them further. At the end of the day, love is always the best answer. When your little darling feels loved, they are motivated to be at their best.
Try kindness and love and see your little darling blossom before your eyes.