Thanksgiving has come and gone and we had loads of pumpkin. Who would have thought that pumpkins could be beneficial beauty wise? I've actually learn about the beauty secrets of pumpkins after visiting some spas at beautiful, tropical Bali, Indonesia recently. At first I was rather baffled, pumpkin on my face? It doesn't sound too enticing, but, the results are stunning. Even my acne scars seem to have faded. It would be interesting to add that, Gwyneth Paltrow also indulges in this pumpkin face mask to keep her complexion super enviable. This pumpkin face mask will help you achieve radiant skin and it's so easy to prepare. Here are the list of ingredients needed:
Ingredients list
1) Half a can of pumpkin puree

Fresh and cooked pumpkin is chock full of
vitamin C, vitamin E,
vitamin A, potassium, alpha-carotene, zinc, beta carotene, and
lutein. Whoo, sounds like a mouthful but all these goodies are great anti-oxidants for our skin. Pumpkins are fantastic for skin too because they are rich in Vitamin A or beta carotene, which is actually the basis for
Retinol. As beauty junkies, we already know that Retinol is great at keeping those pesky fine lines and wrinkles at bay. It also helps us achieve radiant skintone and to protect our skin.
2) Half a papaya

Papaya is a natural for incorporating into your skin care regime. The fruit offers
anti-oxidants and are rich in essential enzymes. Papaya has both preventative and restorative properties when used in skin care. Papaya’s powerful fruit enzymes are know to aid and accelerate healing in skin disorders such as acne. In addition, the fruit enzymes are a gently exfoliation to the skin.Papaya is rich in anti-oxidants and the
papain enzymes Papaya has both preventative and restorative properties when used in skin care. Papaya’s powerful fruit enzymes are known to aid and accelerate healing in skin disorders such as acne. In addition, the fruit enzymes make a good exfoliating enzyme. It's loaded in
Vitamin A and
Vitamin C, two very essential anti-oxidants for keeping our skin beautiful and healthy
1) Cut the papaya in half and discard the seeds. Mash it real well and scoop all the pulp into a cup
2) Add the canned pumpkin into the mash papayas and mix them well. If you want a smooth
paste, blend the ingredients together
3) Apply the mask to your cleansed face, avoid the eye area if you're prone to sensitive eyes.
[Note: You may experience some slight tingling on the skin if you have sensitive skin. It's caused by the enzymes from the pumpkin]
4) Let the mask on for about 20 minutes for your skin to absorb the goodness
5) Rinse off mask with warm water, pat dry and moisturize to seal in moisture.
6) Voila, now you have really radiant skin as the enzymes from the ingredients help to slough off dry, dull dead skin cells. For best results, try this face mask about 2 to 3 times a week.
[Note: For those with very sensitive skin, try a patch test by putting the mask behind your ears. If no negative reaction, go ahead and try out this face mask]
I really, really love this face mask and so far, I've seen the best results with this pumpkin-papaya face mask. My acne scars have visibly diminished and I so love my radiant skin. Seriously, try this face mask out, it's really awesome. Once you budget beauty mommies have tried it out, let me know the results. I bet you would all be loving it too!
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