There's something I've picked up recently. It seems that kids who are taller or who look more matured than their actual age have a disadvantage. Shocking ain't it, as you always imagine that bigger kids are bullies, but in reality it's not always so.
You see, because the kids are bigger than their actual age, you expect them to behave in a more mature way because we forget how young they actually are. Don't be fooled by their size

So, these 'bigger' kids are subjected to higher expectations to behave more maturely or to achieve more. I would say it's normally the adults who exert higher expectations on the physically more mature looking kids. This is so because we have preconceived notions of how kids should behave according to their age. But there is no one size fits all for kids, each kid is unique and different and matures differently.
So let's just be more mindful to allow kids the freedom to express themselves at their own pace, but of course with guidance from adults. We should be their support and not a hindrance to their natural growth in all aspects.
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