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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Foods for whiter teeth

We've been told to avoid red wine, black tea or coffee to get pearly whites. What if I told you, you can get whiter teeth just by eating the right foods? Try these natural foods for a megawatt smile.

1. Strawberries 
Strawberries contain malic acid that acts as an astringent to remove surface tooth discoloration. Catherine Zeta Jones is known to whiten her teeth with strawberries. 

2. Raw carrot and celery 
These skinny cruciferous vegetables increases saliva production which effectively cleans food debris from teeth. They make great snacks too while shrinking your waistline. 

3. Apples and pears
Apples and pears' crunchiness helps strengthen gums and it's high water content increases saliva production too. It also helps to disperse colonies of bad bacteria that induces bad breath and plaque on teeth. 

4. Baking soda
Try brushing your teeth with baking soda. It's slightly abrasive and helps scrub off plaque and surface stains. Rinse with salt water to keep bad bacteria in the mouth at bay. 

5. Water
Water helps dislodge food stuck in the teeth. It's good to swish your mouth with water after eating dark colored foods to reduce staining. Water also helps reduces acidity in the mouth which erodes teeth enamel which makes teeth weak. 

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